

Thanks for checking out my blog!

I was born and raised in New York City, and have been obsessed with food for as long as I can remember. I love trying new dishes and experiencing a new restaurant. I didn’t start cooking until I graduated from college, when I became determined to make my nights in as satisfying and delicious as my nights out.

 A year after I graduated, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was 23, with no genetic history in my family. I still have no idea how it happened, but it did, and sadly it can happen to anyone. Throughout my treatment, my doctors encouraged me to see a nutritionist. I wanted to do everything in my power to strengthen my body and make sure the toxins that were supposed to fight my cancer didn’t destroy the rest of me in the process. I became obsessed with learning about the nutritional benefits of different fruits and vegetables and how they could play a role in strengthening my immune system. I made every effort to adapt my routine to accommodate what I learned. But at a certain point, I became too obsessed. I stopped eating sugars, carbs, red meat, and chicken. Going out to restaurants gave me anxiety. I honestly became intolerable, to myself and everyone around me.

I finally realized that, for me, this lifestyle was unsustainable. I needed to find a balance. One where I could enjoy eating out and order everything I want, while making sure that on the nights I stay in, I’m mindful of what I cook and how I cook it. I don’t follow a specific diet and I’m fortunate to not have any restricting allergies. My intention in starting this blog is to share recipes that support a lifestyle rooted in moderation.

I’ve also since founded a wellness-forward primary care practice in NYC, The Lanby, to support patients as they navigate treatment and aim to optimize their health.

Feel free to contact me below if you’d like to share any thoughts or questions!